Howdy Ya'll!!!
Guess what, we just had what I call "Our Boating Adventure". We went out on the lake to relax, drive around, and have fun. It all started when we stopped in the middle of the lake to eat lunch. After we ate we tried to start the boat, but what do ya know, it wouldn't. Dad checked the engine and it was all steamy. We were trying to figure out what the problem was when mom said "I think the boat is sinking!!!". We checked under the boat's floor and it was filled with water. It may of been sinking a tiny bit but it would take hours for it to sink completely. Finally, Josh took an oar and tried his best to row us to the nearest island (he wasn't making very much progress). Then, a boat started to come by, we were waving our oars in the air to try to get him to help us. HE CAME!!!, and guess what, God blessed us and gave us a boat mechanic!!! He ended up having to take out his battery, start our boat with it, and put it back in his. With his help we made it back to the arena!!! What an adventure!!!
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